
In this Snippets we set the scene for 2018, looking at how business and governments can work towards the same low carbon goals. We also take a look at how people would really like to live in both rural and city settings and provide some insight into what employment opportunities may be like in 2027.

While heavy reading, the takeaway of this article is that it is unwise to put all your eggs in one basket. We have built an infinite growth economic model based mostly on access to “cheap” oil; not a wise thing to do with a finite resource. The moral of the story is that even HSBC understands it is time to transition from fossil fuels, because business as usual is not usual anymore![1]

While the previous article details urgent economic reasons to kick the fossil fuel habit, this story is written from the climate change angle; but with cross hairs still firmly placed on fossil fuels. We have 1000 days to take the economy in a new direction, there is corporate, popular and government momentum building to decarbonize.[2]

It seems that CEOs are hearing what the public is saying and echoing those sentiments through their actions. It is with greater frequency that corporate heads are announcing initiatives that reflect public sentiment. Recent actions in response to topical social and climate issues are good examples of how corporations can make a positive impact on society and environment.[3]

This article shows that with the proper signals from government, big business is willing to partner with government to achieve big gains. Several major corporations have committed to using 100% renewable energy and kicking coal in order to meet Paris Agreement commitments. This brings not only climate gains, but economic gains as well since the long term cost of renewables is cheaper and more predictable.[4]

Given the urgency of climate issues and the desire of fossil fuel companies and certain governments to cling to the past, private citizens have begun taking legal action in order to force change. In 2018 the people are turning up the pressure and several high profile legal cases aim to set precedent in law to pave the way to a low carbon future.[5]

Perhaps it is about time to ask consumers and people what they actually want in terms of an increasingly resource constrained world. For example, how do people want the cities they reside in to work for them? Only recently, have city designers started questioning whether they should continue favouring cars over pedestrians, bicycles or community markets. By asking residents what they actually want, planners can change city design to suit resident’s needs and aspirations – making the city an increasingly liveable and enjoyable place.[6]

We can also bring nature back into our towns, cities and communities. In what is the first new forest to be created in the United Kingdom for 1,000 years, the forest comprising 8 million new trees stretches over 200 square miles of rolling Midland’s countryside. The benefits are very wide-reaching, from increased tourism, woodland firewood industries through to an enhanced sense of pride in the community and a sense of belonging, wellbeing and happiness.[7]

In almost every way, our wellbeing is impacted by the type of environment we live in. So surely, if we understand this and realise that we can influence them, why are we not more proactive in making our voices heard or taking responsibility for how it is being shaped? We can if we choose to become engaged. Just as with sustainability, there is role for every one of us on this journey towards addressing climate change and reducing GHG emissions.[8]

Looking forward to the next 10 years it’s not only the climate that is predicted to change. Careers and jobs are expected to remain in a continual state of change which will leave many struggling to keep up with the pace of transformation. In this article the University of Melbourne takes a look at the Jobs of 2027 taking into account new and emerging technologies, shifting economics, even environmental pressures[9]

Thanks for taking the time to read this issue and we look forward to catching up with you again. If you have any items of interest you would like to submit, then please feel free to forward them.


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