5 futuristic office buildings that already existThere are few sectors where the move toward greater sustainability is being driven by the market itself. Commercial real estate is one of them. According to an industry survey by McGraw Hill Construction and the Canada Green Building Council, energy-efficient buildings cost more to make but less to operate — the latter typically offsetting former in eight years for new buildings and seven years for retrofits. With the life cycle of a typical office building pegged at 40 years, those who go green can expect a return on investment of four- to five-hundred per cent. While improved energy efficiency accounts for the lion’s share of those savings, a slashed hydro bill is not the only benefit. Owners are able to demand lease and resale premiums while enjoying higher occupancy rates, the report says. This is motivated in part by the aforementioned operational savings and in part by tenants seeing other benefits to occupying green office space, from reductions in absenteeism and corresponding gains in productivity (more on this later) to less-quantifiable considerations, such as feeling good about a lighter ecological footprint. Green projects currently account for roughly one third of all non-residential activity in Canada, with that share expected to grow steadily over the next three years. According to a study by Oxford Properties, the booming Toronto market has taken the global lead in energy-efficient office buildings, producing 42 in 2014 alone — 12 more than New York. Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design is the standard by which “green” is measured. Building to LEED specifications requires increased collaboration between architects, engineers, builders, designers, owners and occupants, and usually involves installing sensible and cost-saving technologies such as low-flow water fixtures and low-emitting building materials, as well as computerized vents and windows that draw on real-time data to optimize natural light, air quality and temperature. Though these techniques and technologies were considered “boutique” or unheard of a decade ago, they are increasingly becoming commonplace as owners and developers respond to market demands. There are, however, projects around the globe taking sustainability to the next level, implementing new (and sometimes bizarre) technologies in an effort to develop the office building of the future. These five office buildings illustrate the kind of creative innovation taking place within the sector. 1. Bullitt Center Wikipedia Location: Seattle, Wa. The Bullitt Center was designed to use no more energy than it generates. While technically on the grid, energy “borrowed” during peak usage is later “repaid” by solar panels that line the roof. Net energy neutrality is made possible by geothermal wells that moderate the building’s temperature, construction techniques that cut energy demands by one third and sensors that provide immediate feedback about energy usage to each user. The building has, however, encountered various problems relating to its ambitious design. For one, capital was difficult to secure, as banks had no experience financing a building with a projected life cycle of 250 years. For another, the building’s independent water and sewage systems have encountered regulatory problems due to lack of chlorination. 2. One Angel Square Wikipedia Location: Manchester, United Kingdom One Angel Square’s south-facing, nine-storey glass atrium mitigates energy costs by utilizing natural light and heat from the sun. Its double-skin façade is akin to a breathing greenhouse: the first layer of the glass “skin” reflects harmful ultraviolet light, while the second layer allows visible light to pass through. What is left in the cavity between is infrared light, or heat, which is then either expelled or used as insulation, depending on the weather. This process heavily contributes to a 50% reduction in energy consumption and a 30% reduction in overall operating costs. What’s more, the building’s engineers “future proofed” One Angel Square to 2050, designing it to maintain performance if and when summer temperatures rise by three to five degrees and winters get considerably rainier. 3. Jones Lang LaSalle Hong Kong Wikipedia Opened: 2011 Air pollution and smog are ongoing problems in Hong Kong, with residents presenting respiratory illnesses and infections at rates well above global averages. Jones Lang LaSalle sought to address this issue when renovating their Hong Kong office by opting for non-toxic building materials and installing sensors to monitor and manage indoor air quality. Eleven months after the renovations were completed, the organization noted a 32% reduction in absenteeism (i.e. sick days taken). While Jones Lang LaSalle acknowledges that many factors are probably at play, they attribute their net productivity gain to the office’s improved design, which they say is both physically healthier and psychologically more pleasant for employees. 4. Pixel Wikipedia Opened: 2010 Melbourne has intermittent water shortages. To achieve water neutrality — to use no more water than can be harvested from the sky — the building’s architects and engineers married design and technology to make use — and reuse — of virtually every drop of water. Here’s how it works: Runoff rainwater from the rooftop garden, consisting of a grassland species once native to the region, is collected, treated by reverse osmosis and then stored in cold- and hot-water tanks. The cold water is used in vacuum flush toilets, which require only one litre per use. The waste is then carried to an anaerobic digester to produce methane gas, which is used to heat the aforementioned hot water tank. Sink and shower water take a different journey: After going down the drain, the water is pumped back up to the roof to irrigate reed beds, which naturally remove contamination, allowing the water to return to the atmosphere as clean as, if not cleaner than, it was when it got there. 5. Manitoba Hydro Place Wikipedia Opened: 2009 Building a sustainable office building in Winnipeg requires special design and technological considerations due to its “extreme” weather — meaning that spread between its hottest and coldest day is greater than it is for much of Europe, Asia and North America. The architects found climate-appropriate engineering inspiration in Manitoba’s history, drawing on indigenous architecture, notably the ventilation techniques used in tepees, and married it with new technology, notably a “Building Management System” that draws on 25,000 sensory inputs to manage the building’s interior climate. The signature innovation in Manitoba Hydro Place, however, is its 24-metre waterfalls. The architects wanted to pay homage to the company’s hydraulic dam legacy, but did not want to introduce a costly water feature for merely aesthetic purposes. So they worked backwards from their desired result — a functional waterfall — and discovered that by adjusting the water’s temperature they could control moisture levels in the air — a tremendous asset for a city not unfamiliar with muggy summers or bone-dry winter air
BY Cody Gault