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Orbital forcing of tree-ring data

Solar insolation changes, resulting from long-term oscillations of orbital configurations1, are an important driver of Holocene climate2, 3. The forcing is substantial over the past 2,000 years, up to four times as large as the 1.6Wm−2 net anthropogenic forcing since 1750 (ref. 4), but the trend varies considerably over time, space and with season5. Using numerous high-latitude proxy records, slow orbital changes have recently been shown6 to gradually force boreal summer temperature cooling over the common era. Here, we present new evidence based on maximum latewood density data from northern Scandinavia, indicating that this cooling trend was stronger (−0.31°C per 1,000years, ±0.03°C) than previously reported, and demonstrate that this signature is missing in published tree-ring proxy records. The long-term trend now revealed in maximum latewood density data is in line with coupled general circulation models7, 8 indicating albedo-driven feedback mechanisms and substantial summer cooling over the past two millennia in northern boreal and Arctic latitudes. These findings, together with the missing orbital signature in published dendrochronological records, suggest that large-scale near-surface air-temperature reconstructions9, 10, 11, 12, 13 relying on tree-ring data may underestimate pre-instrumental temperatures including warmth during Medieval and Roman times.

Figures at a glance

leftHigh-precision density data derived from northern Scandinavian P. sylvestris trees.N-scan JJA temperature reconstruction and fit with regional instrumental data.
  1. Figure 1: High-precision density data derived from northern Scandinavian P. sylvestris trees.
      High-precision density data derived from northern Scandinavian P. sylvestris trees.

    a,b, Core samples from living trees growing at lakeshores (a) were combined with submerged logs (b) to ensure MXD data homogeneity throughout the past two millennia. c, Stem disc obtained of a pine that fell nearly 1,500 years ago into Lake Riekkojärvi in northern Finland. The missing wedges show the two radii from which samples were taken for density measurements. The disc contains 176 annual rings dating AD 360–535. d, Photomicrograph of the AD 475 tree ring from c, together with a high-resolution density profile (yellow curve, in gcm−3) derived from X-ray densitometry28. The density profile quantifies wood morphological changes throughout a growing season, from large and thin-walled earlywood cells (left) towards small and thick-walled latewood cells (right). Earlywood is laid down in the first weeks of the summer season, latewood develops over much of the high summer season. MXD in a given ring is reached towards the last cell row. The resolution of X-ray density profiles is 10μm, the total width of the ring is 0.34mm. e, Variability of MXD (grey curves) and instrumental temperature measurements (red and blue curves) over the earliest (AD 1876–1890) and latest (AD 1992–2006) 15-year periods common to these data. Tree-ring data were RCS-detrended, instrumental data are JJA mean temperatures with respect to a 1951–1980 reference period (Methods).

  2. Figure 2: N-scan JJA temperature reconstruction and fit with regional instrumental data.
    N-scan JJA temperature reconstruction and fit with regional instrumental data.  

    a, The reconstruction extends back to 138 BC highlighting extreme cool and warm summers (blue curve), cool and warm periods on decadal to centennial scales (black curve, 100-year spline filter) and a long-term cooling trend (dashed red curve; linear regression fit to the reconstruction over the 138 BCAD 1900 period). Estimation of uncertainty of the reconstruction (grey area) integrates the validation standard error (±2 × root mean square error) and bootstrap confidence estimates. b, Regression of the MXD chronology (blue curve) against JJA temperatures (red curve) over the 1876–2006 common period. Correlations between MXD and instrumental data are 0.77 (full period), 0.78 (1876–1941 period), and 0.75 (1942–2006 period).

  3. Figure 3: Comparison of N-scan with decadally resolved Arctic proxy records.
    Comparison of N-scan with decadally resolved Arctic proxy records.  

    a, The MXD-based N-scan reconstruction plotted together with a RCS-detrended TRW chronology derived from the same wood samples. Records correlate at r=0.58 over the 138 BCAD 2006 common period. b, N-scan shown together with the long-term climate record from ref. 21 integrating existing tree-ring data from Finland and Sweden. Records correlate at r=0.45 over the 138 BCAD 1997 common period. c, N-scan together with mean time series from ref. 6 including a number of high-resolution Arctic proxy records from lakes and ice cores (green) and TRW (blue). Correlations between these records range from 0.18 to 0.34 over the AD 1–2000 common period. All time series are shown as ten-year means standardized relative to a 1500–2000 reference period.

Over recent millennia, orbital forcing has continually reduced summer insolation in the Northern Hemisphere5. Peak insolation changes in Northern Hemisphere high latitudes, at ~65°N between June–August (JJA), have been identified as the prime forcing of climate variability over the past million years1. Together with long-term CO2 variability resulting from biogeochemical feedbacks of the marine and terrestrial ecosystems14, these insolation cycles have initiated the interplay between glacial and interglacial periods15.

State-of-the-art coupled general circulation model (CGCM) simulations and high-resolution climate reconstructions rarely extend beyond the past few hundred years, limiting possibilities to evaluate low-frequency temperature fluctuations beyond broad assessments (and debate) of the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age4. In fact, most high-resolution temperature reconstructions16 including tree-ring width (TRW) records, the most widespread and important late-Holocene climate proxy17, have never even been compared with orbital forcing. However, limitations related to the necessary removal of biological noise and the questioned ability of TRW records to reliably track recent (and past) warm episodes18 may not make this proxy suitable to investigate the role of orbital forcing on climate. Indeed an evaluation of long-term temperature reconstructions, even over the past 7,000 years from across northern Eurasia, demonstrates that TRW-based records fail to show orbital signatures found in low-resolution proxy archives and climate model simulations (Supplementary Fig. S1). These discrepancies not only reveal that dendrochronological records are limited in preserving millennial scale variance, but also suggest that hemispheric reconstructions, integrating these data, might underestimate natural climate variability.

We here address these issues by developing a 2,000-year summer temperature reconstruction based on 587 high-precision maximum latewood density (MXD) series from northern Scandinavia (Fig. 1). The record was developed over three years using living and subfossil pine (Pinus sylvestris) trees from 14 lakes and 3 lakeshore sites >65°N (Methods), making it not only longer but also much better replicated than any existing MXD time series (for example, the widely cited Tornetraesk record contains 65 series19). We carried out a number of tests to the MXD network and noted the robustness of the long-term trends, but also the importance of including living trees from the lakeshore to form a seamless transition to the subfossil material preserved in the lakes (Methods). Calibration/verification with instrumental data is temporally robust and no evidence for divergence20 was noted. The final reconstruction (N-scan) was calibrated against regional JJA temperature (r1876–2006=0.77) and spans the 138BCAD 2006 period.

Tree-ring data and spatial coherence.

We collected core samples from living P. sylvestris trees growing at lakeshore and inland (that is ten or more metres distance from lakes) microsites, and disc samples from submerged logs in northern Finland and Sweden (Supplementary Table S1 and Fig. S2). MXD data were derived from high-resolution density profiles using X-ray radiographic techniques28 (Fig. 1). Within and between-site coherence of the northern Scandinavian MXD network has been assessed using a total of nine data sets from living trees—of which three (Ket, Kir, Tor) are additionally subdivided into lakeshore and inland subsets—and 14 data sets from subfossil lake material. We calculated Pearson correlation coefficients among living-tree chronologies over the 1812–1978 common period (rMXD=0.72, rTRW=0.58; Supplementary Table S2 and Fig. S3), and over varying periods of overlap (AD 700–1600) between subfossil MXD chronologies (rMXD=0.71; Supplementary Table S3 and Fig. S4) to estimate data homogeneity throughout space and time. To ensure signal homogeneity, we considered MXD data from only lakeshore sites together with the subfossil material discovered from the lakes for the final reconstruction (N-scan). The record integrates 587 high-resolution P. sylvestris MXD measurement series.

Chronology development and assessment.

Various combinations of living-tree and subfossil MXD data were produced to assess the sensitivity of the long-term N-scan record to detrending methodology and microsite conditions. Application of negative exponential and RCS detrending techniques revealed substantial changes in retained low-frequency variance and sensitivity of twentieth-century trends to density differences between living-tree sites ranging from ~0.002 to 0.010gcm−3 over the first 200 years of tree growth (Supplementary Fig. S5). Sensitivity of increased (decreased) twentieth-century chronology levels was assessed using MXD data from only lakeshore (inland) microsites in long-term RCS runs (Supplementary Fig. S6). N-scan characteristics were detailed by calculating 95% bootstrap confidence ranges, chronology age and replication curves, and interseries correlation and expressed population signal statistics (Supplementary Fig. S7). We analysed the RCS detrended N-scan data by classifying the measurement series into age classes ranging from 1–10 years to 201–210 years and calculating 100-year spline filters for each of these classes (Supplementary Fig. S8). This procedure provided insights into the coherence of long-term trends retained in (typically noisier) juvenile and (typically less replicated) adult tree-ring data. N-scan trend behaviour was additionally assessed by analysing the persistence of low-frequency variability in tree-ring parameters, indicating that only the MXD data preserved substantial variance on millennial timescales (Supplementary Fig. S9).

Proxy calibration and JJA temperature reconstruction.

The MXD climate signal was assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients between the lakeshore subsets Ket-L (r=0.74), Kir-L (r=0.75) and Tor-L (r=0.74) and mean JJA temperatures recorded at the global historical climatology network stations Haparanda, Karasjok and Sodankyla over the 1876–2006 common period. Running correlations were applied to analyse the temporal characteristics of the signal revealing reduced coherence among the station records as well as between the station and proxy data centred in the 1910s (Supplementary Fig. S10). The long-term N-scan record integrating lakeshore and subfossil MXD data correlates at 0.77 (r2=0.59) with regional JJA temperatures. We transferred this record into a JJA temperature reconstruction using ordinary least square regression with MXD as the independent variable. This approach provides conservative estimates—owing to the reduction of variability caused by unexplained variance29—of pre-instrumental climate variability and derived long-term trends. Split-period calibration/verification statistics30 with early and late r2 (0.-57–0.61), reduction of error (0.57–0.59), coefficient of efficiency (0.50–0.54) and full period Durbin–Watson (1.75) statistics were applied to validate the reconstruction. N-scan confidence intervals were calculated considering the standard error (±2×root mean square error) derived from verification against instrumental JJA temperatures over the early 1876–1941 period and a bootstrap confidence range derived from resampling the MXD data 1,000 times with replacement. A total of 2,000 MXD chronologies derived from randomly drawn subsets of the N-scan record were developed to test the influence of reduced sample replication, typical to earlier periods of the long-term reconstruction, on the calibration results. These tests revealed that the transfer model remains robust (r > 0.70) down to a replication of ten MXD measurement series (Supplementary Fig. S11). Extreme cool and warm summers (decades and centuries) since 138 BC are expressed as deviations from the 1951 to 1980 mean (Supplementary Table S4) and millennial scale JJA temperature trends estimated by calculating a linear ordinary least square regression over the 138BCAD1900 period (Fig. 2). The robustness of the regression slope (−0.31°C per 1,000years) was tested by reducing the length of the regression period stepwise at both ends by 100 years to derive a 95% confidence range (±0.03°C) of the millennial scale trend.

CGCM Holocene simulations.

Spatial patterns of JJA surface air temperatures derived from multimillennial ECHO-G (ref. 7) and ECHAM5–MPIOM (ref. 8) CGCM runs forced with and without long-term insolation changes were analysed to estimate low-frequency temperature trends throughout the Northern Hemisphere extratropics (Supplementary Fig. S12). ECHO-G is one of the coupled atmosphere–ocean models considered in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report and was ranked among the best five models in simulating the mean patterns of surface atmospheric circulation and precipitation4. It integrates the atmospheric ECHAM4 model with a horizontal resolution of 3.75×3.75 degrees and 19 vertical levels, and the oceanic HOPE model with a horizontal resolution ranging from about 2.8×2.8 to 0.5×0.5 degrees towards the Equator and 20 vertical levels including a thermodynamic sea-ice model. To avoid artificial climate drift in the very long (7,000 years) climate simulations used here, a flux adjustment was applied to the atmosphere–ocean coupling. The second transient Holocene simulation8 consists of the spectral atmosphere model ECHAM5 run at truncation T31, corresponding to a horizontal resolution of a 3.75×3.75 longitude–latitude grid, with 19 vertical hybrid sigma pressure levels and the highest level at 10hPa. It integrates the land-surface model JSBACH including a dynamic vegetation module, has been coupled to the ocean GCM MPIOM run with 40 vertical levels (30 levels within the top 2,000m) and includes a zero-layer dynamic-thermodynamic sea-ice model with viscous-plastic rheology. No flux correction has been applied to this CGCM.

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