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Voltage Optimisation can improve schools energy efficiency by up to 25%

Voltage Optimisation is a key component in any energy efficiency programme and could deliver up to 25% savings on electricity bills.
Mar 23, 2011 – In April the registration period for the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) Energy Efficiency Scheme will start again. Local authorities and companies with a portfolio of private schools will face sizeable fines unless they account for their energy use and make auditable reductions. What is more, the CRC scheme is a call to action that cannot be ignored, since this could negatively affect reputation and the bottom line.

Also, the government’s decision to dismiss the Building Schools for the Future Programme (BSF) means that hundreds of large scale projects are being cancelled, making the CRC targets more difficult to achieve.

Carbon Trust Loans and the reintroduction of Salix Funding should ease some of the burden, with loans covering measures such as improved insulation, heating and lighting, as well as high efficiency motors and Variable Speed Drives that can reduce motor energy consumption by as much as 60%.

However, one of the most effective energy efficiency measures is to install Voltage Optimisation. Voltage Optimisation brings energy, cost and carbon savings by efficiently optimising a site’s supply voltage.

The voltage supplied to the majority of sites is above the level it needs to be. This leads to losses in many types of equipment. As electricity is delivered, voltage drops across the grid, thus it needs to be fed into the system at a higher level.

Voltage Optimisation deals with the discrepancy between the actual supply voltage you receive (207V-253V) and the optimum voltage your electrical equipment needs (220V). By optimising the voltage, electrical equipment runs more efficiently and consumes less energy. On its own, Voltage Optimisation delivers savings of up to 25% on your electricity bills. It also increases equipment lifetime and reduces maintenance costs.

Not only valuable energy, cost and carbon savings, Voltage Optimisation provides power quality improvements as well, so that the life of an incandescent light bulb is almost doubled when the voltage supplied is optimised.

But, the installation of voltage optimisation on a building’s incoming power supply hold far more risks than the installation of low energy lights or variable speed drives. That’s why choosing the right supplier is vital.

By engaging staff and pupils, installing the right measures and introducing a school-wide approach to energy management, these measures can foster a future generation ready to tackle climate change.
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Envido is the UK’s leading provider of energy, low-carbon and sustainability solutions for private and public sector organisations.

We help our clients reduce their carbon emissions - helping them to conserve energy, save money and boost business performance.

With offices in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Ipswich, we work with some of the largest private companies across all industries in the UK, as well as local authorities, NHS Trusts, educational institutions and other government entities.

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